Being a parent is both the most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done.
When my child was young, new places, people, and experiences would easily overwhelm him, having no tools or techniques to help me at that time meant I felt lost and powerless to help him, I knew I had to find a way to help us both.
I discovered the answer was through my own daily meditation and mindfulness practise, and I began to look for a way to teach these techniques to my child. After completing a course through Connected Kids™ I started to introduce mindful ideas and activities to my child in a way that was simple and fun for us to practice and learn together.
This helped me to meet my child ‘where he was at’ and to let go of all expectations of him, and myself as a parent. It was from this healing space of connection and compassion, that I was able to connect to him on a deeper level. I understood he was unique, with his own personality and set of skills and talents, something he has always insisted upon to this day!
Over time he gained confidence and was visibly relaxed and happier with every new experience. We worked together as both teacher and student, learning the skills of mindfulness and meditation along the way. As I taught him, so he taught me – my greatest teacher.
I love teaching mindfulness skills and healing mediations to children and teens, I have felt its power in helping to reduce anxiety and stress, boost self-esteem, increase confidence, and help improve all-round well-being. I know this works, I have lived it and learned it.
My meditation practice taught me to pause, think and breathe – empowering me with simple mindful tools and techniques that helped build my confidence, reduce anxiety, and have had an incredibly positive effect on my mental, emotional and physical well-being.
If you get behind your child and be their greatest supporter – their confidence will come from within, and through your love, guidance, and support, they can reach their full potential.
My meditation practice also led me to a form of energy healing called Reiki. I became a Reiki Practitioner in 2015 and onto Reiki Master in 2017. The main benefit of Reiki for me is it gives my mind and body a break from the stresses of daily life, helping me return to a state of balance and relaxation. In this relaxed state Reiki enhances and accelerates my natural healing process, as the body can stop being stressed and focus on healing itself. I love this gentle form of healing and it is an important part of my self-care routine to help support my mental and emotional wellbeing.
Helping and supporting children and families by providing information and training courses on meditation and mindfulness, for parents who are looking to support their child struggling with anxiety, low self-esteem, trauma or other mental health issues.
Our children's classes are packed with enriching mindful activities and bespoke meditations to help children create their unique 'mindfulness toolbox' to access at any time, especially when overwhelmed by big feelings, like anger, fear and anxiety.
We know that for some children, meeting new people and new experiences can feel daunting and scary, that's why we build bespoke 1-2-1 sessions that are tailored just for you and your family.